The k-SPANNING TREE problem is the following.
Input: An undirected graph \(G = (V, E)\)
Output: A spanning tree of \(G\) in which each node has \(degree \le k\) if such a tree exists.
Show that for any \(k \ge 2\), k-spanning-tree is NP-complete
It’s well know that the Hamiltonian Path Problem is a NP-complete problem to solve.
And we can reduce the hanmilton path problem to a k-spanning-tree problem as follow:
Given a graph \(G\), for each node \(N_n\) in \(G\), create k - 2
new empty nodes (nodes with no edge attached) \(N_{n1}, N_{n2}, \dots, N_{n(k-2)}\), and connect them to N
, adding edges \(E_{n1}, E_{n2}, \dots E_{n(k-2)}\), and this form a new graph \(G’\). Finding a k-spanning-tree in \(G’\), say \(T\).
It’s certain that all newly added edges \(E_{n1}, E_{n2}, \dots E_{n(k-2)}\) must be in \(T\), since we have no other ways to connect those newly added nodes except add those new edges to the tree.
And at last we disconnect all new edges from \(T\), so nodes in the rest of the tree have at most degree 2, which forms a hanmilton path for the original graph \(G\).
Since we proved the hamilton path problem is NP-complete, and we can obtain a hamilton path by k-spanning-tree if exists, so the k-spanning-tree is NP-complete.